Want Some Help?

Welcome to North Shore Physical Therapy and thank you for your loyalty and trust over 43 years

Marblehead Clinic: 1 Widger Rd, Suite 105   

Phone #: 781-631-8250 Fax #: 781-639-2060

Dear North Shore Physical Therapy Patients:

It is with mixed emotions that I announce my retirement from active practice, effective June 30, 2024. It has been a great pleasure providing for your physical therapy needs over these past 43 years.

I want to also inform you that as of May 20, 2024, Harmeling Physical Therapy  will take over my in Peabody practice, and Jonathan Weltler, PT, DPT will remain in that office.  However, North Shore Physical Therapy Marblehead practice will close its doors for the last time on June 28, 2024 at 3 pm.   We will remain available to Marblehead patients until that time.  We do plan to provide a list of other physical therapy practices in the area should you require continued treatment beyond our closing date.  Additionally, we will recommend that you discuss physical therapy options with your referring physician as well.

Your medical records are confidential, and a copy can be released and transferred to another physician, physical therapist or to you.  If you plan to continue with the Peabody office, you can just sign an authorization to release your medical records/files to Luke Harmeling, DPT’s practice on Monday, 5/20/24.  If you choose to see a different provider, please sign an authorization form and return to my office by the end of June 2024 so we may transfer your physical therapy records.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the above.

I have valued our relationship greatly. Thank you for your loyalty and trust in us over these many years.

Best wishes for your future health.

Sincerely yours,

David J Roberts, MSPT

President, North Shore Physical Therapy Associates, Inc.

After June 30, 2024, your health records from NSPT will be transferred to Morgan Records Management, LLC.  The Records Custodian will continue to maintain your records in accordance with applicable confidentiality and security standards and with other applicable laws.. Requests to the Records Custodian, after the Effective Date should be directed to:

  • Online: MorganRecordsManagement.com--->Medical Records---> Requests à Request My Medical Records
  • Email: Medical@MorganRM.Com
  • (O) 833-888-0061